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Our intuition doesn’t always make sense, but it’s always trying to lead us to what’s right for us.


Do any of these resonate with you?


I used to silence my intuition.

I used to doubt that subtle knowingness within me.

I was scared that it might have been wrong.

I didn’t trust myself to follow the nudges and the signs I was receiving.


Years later I found myself trying to turn it around, to do what my intuition was telling me to do 10 years ago.


I now know to trust myself.

I now know that it doesn’t have to make logical sense.

It’s scary when it doesn’t make sense, our ego is always seeking safety.

Safety is found when it makes sense.


But a lot of times our greatest achievements come from following our intuition and the unconventional route. 

After writing this, something occurred to me…what’s the difference between instinct and intuition?  Any thoughts?


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